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Radiology Guides

Simple step-by-step guides to assist your understanding of what to expect.

A CT scan, short for “Computed Tomography,” is a painless medical test that uses a special machine to take detailed pictures of the inside of your body.

An ultrasound is a painless and safe medical test that uses sound waves to create images of the inside of your body. 

A PET scan, short for Positron Emission Tomography, is a specialised medical test that uses a small amount of safe radioactive material to create images of the inside of your body. 

Radiology providers represented on Book Radiology

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Radiology Insights

Learn more about diagnostic imaging, technology and early detection

A female x-ray & imaging Caloundra x-ray technician holding a machine looking towards the camera smiling

How do X-Rays work?

In the field of medicine, X-ray is an invaluable instrument. It helps us see inside the human body and uncover hidden secrets. The naked eye cannot see these secrets. This extraordinary technology, rooted in physics and innovation, operates like a silent detective, uncovering secrets within our body.

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Is Nuclear Medicine Safe?

Nuclear Medicine is not just safe; It’s transforming health care! Imagine a superhero in medicine. It uses small amounts of radioactive material to find, treat, and control different conditions, often catching problems early. No different to the amount of radioactive material in an X-Ray.

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