A Simple Guide to

Understanding X-ray Examinations

Need an X-Rray and want to know what happens during the examination? 

This simple guide will walk you through the basics, so you’ll know just what to expect before your X-ray appointment.

Table of Contents

Image credit: Astra Radiology

What's an X-ray?

An X-ray is a painless and quick medical test that helps doctors see inside your body.

It’s like taking a snapshot of your bones and tissues.

X-rays use a small amount of radiation, which can pass through your body and create pictures on a special film or digital screen.

Before the X-ray

If you are pregnant (or have reason to believe you may be) please inform your doctor and our staff at the time of booking.

When you arrive for your X-ray, the healthcare team will guide you. You might need to change into a hospital gown and remove any metal objects, like jewellery or belts.

Don’t worry, they’ll let you know exactly what to do.

During the X-Ray

  • You’ll be asked to stand, sit, or lie down in a certain way to get the best picture. A radiographer will carefully position a machine called an X-ray generator or camera. It doesn’t touch you, and you won’t feel anything.
  • You might need to hold still for a moment and sometimes be given specific breathing instructions while the X-ray is taken, which usually only takes a few seconds.

After the X-ray

Once your X-ray is done, you can change back into your own clothes and continue with your day as usual. There’s no special recovery time needed.

Results and Follow-Up

The X-ray images will be looked at by a radiologist, who will share the findings with your healthcare team.

They’ll explain what they see and discuss any next steps if needed.

Patient Safety

You will receive a small dose of x-ray radiation. 

X-rays are only performed where it is deemed the benefit of the examination will outweigh any potential risks.

If you are or think that you may be pregnant, it is essential that you tell our radiology team before your x-rays.

In Summary

X-rays are a helpful way for doctors to see your bones and some tissues without any surgery.

Disclaimer: Please note, if you have any questions or reservations about an upcoming radiology scan, it is always recommended to consult with your healthcare provider, who can address your concerns directly. This is general information, not tailored to a specific individual. Please read our Terms and Conditions.