A Simple Guide to

Bone Mineral Densitometry

Curious about Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) and what it involves?

This guide will walk you through the process step by step, so you’re well-prepared for your BMD appointment.

Table of Contents

Image credit: Horizon Radiology

What is Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD)?

Bone Mineral Densitometry, or BMD for short, is a painless and quick medical test that measures the density of your bones.

It’s checking how strong and sturdy your bones are, which can help identify your risk of fractures.

Before the Test

When you arrive for your BMD appointment, the healthcare team will guide you through everything.

You might need to wear loose-fitting clothing and remove any metal objects, like jewellery or belts.

They’ll make sure you’re comfortable and ready for the test.

During the Test

You’ll lie down on a table, and a special machine will scan parts of your body, usually your spine and hips.

  • The machine sends a small amount of X-rays through your bones to measure their density.
  • You won’t feel anything during the scan.

After the Test

Once the BMD test is complete, you’re good to go.

You can get back into your regular clothes and continue with your normal activities.

There’s no need for any special recovery time.

Results and What's Next

A doctor will review the BMD measurements and share the findings with you.

They’ll explain what they mean and discuss any further steps or treatments if needed.

Patient Safety

Bone density scans emit small doses of x-ray radiation.

Your doctor will consider the cumulative number of scans of each patient before referring for scans.

Scans will only be taken when any risks are far outweighed by the potential benefits to the patient.

If you are, or may be pregnant, please inform our radiology team before your examination.

In Summary

Bone Mineral Densitometry is a simple way to understand the strength of your bones.

With this guide, you’re well-prepared for your BMD appointment.

Disclaimer: Please note, if you have any questions or reservations about an upcoming radiology scan, it is always recommended to consult with your healthcare provider, who can address your concerns directly. This is general information, not tailored to a specific individual. Please read our Terms and Conditions.