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Radiology Guides

Are you preparing for an examination?

No worries – we’re here to guide you through the process in a clear and simple way.

These guides will help you understand what to expect during your appointment.

Image credit: Sunshine Coast Radiology


An angiogram takes pictures of your blood vessels from the inside. 

Bone Mineral Density

Bone Mineral Densitometry, or BMD for short, is a painless and quick medical test that measures the density of your bones. 

CT Scan

A CT scan, short for “Computed Tomography,” is a painless medical test that uses a special machine to take detailed pictures of the inside of your body. 

Dental Imaging

Dental imaging is like taking special pictures of your teeth and mouth. 


Echocardiography takes pictures of your heart using sound waves. 


Fluoroscopy is a special type of X-ray that shows real-time images of your body as it moves and works.


Interventional radiography is a specialized medical procedure that combines imaging technology (like X-rays) with minimally invasive treatments. 


A mammography is a quick and painless medical test that uses a special camera to take pictures of your breasts. 


An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a painless and non-invasive medical test. 

Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine is a specialised medical field that uses a tiny amount of safe radioactive material to take pictures of the inside of your body.


A PET scan, short for Positron Emission Tomography, is a specialised medical test that uses a small amount of safe radioactive material to create images of the inside of your body. 


An ultrasound is a painless and safe medical test that uses sound waves to create images of the inside of your body. 


An X-ray is a painless and quick medical test that helps doctors see inside your body.